Ecommerce SEO Strategy Mistakes To Avoid & How To Solve Them

ecommerce site mistakes

Whenever it comes to knowing more about a product, I often visit a search engine like Google. I am sure many of you would do the same. So, here is a tip for all eCommerce businesses – make sure you optimize your portal properly for Organic search is one of the highest ROI channels.

If you are not incorporating SEO for your online portal, you are missing a lot. SEO is the best technique to introduce your products to a large audience. If done correctly, you can rank on high search volume terms, boost your brand authority, engage a larger audience, and get more qualified customers than before. Most importantly, you will bring in heavy returns to your business or brand.

But how to know you’re doing SEO correctly for your eCommerce website and what’s wrong?

We have created a cheat sheet for you highlighting the top mistakes you can make from content creation to incorporating SEO.

Mistake 1: You are Focussing Less on the Revenue Impact 

Most businesses think that regular content optimizing or publishing will bring in more traffic. Well! It is true, it might improve the traffic rate, but it is a time-consuming task. As a result, whenever you will add more priorities to the list, content creation and SEO will take the back seat.

Also, when you are open to various ongoing campaigns and other options, then why spend time on SEO?

Well! eCommerce portals are all about generating revenue. If you have quality and convincing product content, chances are high that it will catch visitors’ attention and lead to more clicks.

Hence, it is important to think about your SEO content and the end goals.

The Solution:

Before launching your final strategy, track the impact of your blogs and see if you are actually converting your readers into shoppers. If not, then improve your content quality and make it more SEO-centric.

Discover more platforms that will highlight the impact of your marketing and organic content. It will give a better briefing on which part of the funnel is working and which one requires improvement.

Mistake 2: Selecting Content Ideas Without A Proper Strategy

When you decide to sell a product category, you know that it is in trend and look forward to sharing an endless amount of information to enrich a reader’s life. You may behave like you know everything that the reader is looking for and miss out on the main part – processing your content and keyword research.

The point is what you think might resonate with the reader is not necessary to be the right content. If you don’t create your content with the right strategy, you will end up messing up everything. There are a whole lot of high-quality ideas available that you can implement on your site and create a better strategy. So, avoid making any mistakes and create a solid strategy.

The Solution:

Based on your instincts and trend, you can choose a topic and decide on broad categories to consumer your reader with the content. For example, if you sell makeup products, you may target topics like tutorials, new beauty trends, how-to, etc.

Once you have created a base idea, narrow them to specific keywords using paid or free keyword research tools.

Now, add some user interviews, frequently asked questions, and other information to improve your content quality. Once you are done with the keyword list and have accumulated all data, start creating content on the topic.

Use an attribution platform to track down different topics, and check which one is performing great and which one is not. Repeat your keyword research and target a new set to improve content.

Mistake 3: Giving More Priority To Vanity Metrics Over Revenue

Are you still not convinced why you must focus on SEO for eCommerce sites? Let me tell you, organic search is more than just bringing traffic to the website. Pageviews, Sessions, are a few more metrics that help track your SEO success. But, you must focus on conversions and revenue.

If you are only tracking vanity metrics, you are missing out a lot.

The Solution:

Do not limit yourself to just keeping an account of page views and conversion rates. Instead, check for order value, time to conversion, and monthly recurring revenue from SEO.


If you avoid the basic above-listed mistakes and adopt the solutions, you can gain good profits in the coming time. It is not easy to run an e-commerce portal and get quick returns in a short time, but with the right strategy and implementation, you can beat your competitors and rank high on search results.


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